Again, I have to pay tribute to David MacKay, for providing the simple, yet incredibly powerfull motto for this part of my website:
Start saying Yes!
In MacKay’s book, it is the final, and very short, chapter before the acknowledgements. In it, he points out that in the United Kingdom, he sees a tendency to say ‘no’ to solar, ‘no’ to tidal barrages, ‘no’ to nuclear, ‘no’ to anything that is not fossil fuel.
And he expresses his deep worry that this may mean we may not be able to get rid of fossil fuel when we have to.
Therefore, I thought it would be a very good idea to include in this site a list of people and organisations who have started to say yes to the nuclear option. Often notwithstanding previous held beliefs about nuclear.
As everything on this site, it will start as a short list – I promise it will grow over time!