
Across the globe, there is a rising number of very active communities that form a global molten salt reactor movement. And it’s a real pleasure to watch this wonderful mixture of grumpy-but-very-well-informed- old-hands, routinely-blogging-former-reactor-operators, still-surprised-young-newby’s, wrestling-with-their-previous-beliefs-in-renewables-energy-specialists vehemently discussing strategies to finally pave the way for the only clean high intensity power source presently available for the planet.

It is my hope that in due time, an active daretothink community will take shape to discuss developments of molten salt reactors and its consequences. Within the msr-movement as a whole, daretothink is meant to be an entry-and-upwards level website. It is not really a blog: daretothink aims to present the information in a structured manner, that encourages the reader to find their own way. The website ha a slight bias for the European aspect of the movement. Of course, most developments take place outside Europe, but that’s exactly the problem we speak of here. And within Europe, Germany is presently the biggest headache where it comes to carbon output. So I definitely hope some German friends will sign up.

Presently, I haven’t switched on the comments function in this website. If you want to share any comments or input, please go to https://www.facebook.com/daretothink.org. If you want to comment on a specific page, please paste the page url. On facebook, I’ll also post newly published, or substantially extended existing pages of daretothink.org. So if you want to engage, just like the fb page!

If you want to mail me directly, please do so at gijs_zwartsenberg.nl – replace _ with @.